Jan Semenoff

Jan Semenoff is the principal editor of Counterpoint, a scientific literacy journal for legal professionals. Mr. Semenoff is well-known across Canada and the United States as an experienced Forensic Criminalist. He has testified as an expert in breath alcohol testing, Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST) and Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) issues in morethan 150 jury trials and has presented at more than 60 states, national and international Conferences.

Mr. Semenoff studied social and physical sciences and educational theory at the University of Saskatchewan. Following this, he earned an Advanced Certificate in Police Studies from the Canadian Police College and was an Instructor at the Saskatchewan Police College. He has been a member of numerous advisory boards and association executives over the years. Mr. Semenoff worked as an Emergency Medical Assistant with the local ambulance service for four years, then joined the Saskatoon Police Service. Mr. Semenoff retired after an 18-year career as a Senior Constable and Violent Crimes Analyst.

Because of his policing background and extensive experience with breath alcohol testing, Mr. Semenoff became involved with lawyers and other legal and forensic professionals who looked to him for an understanding of the science behind the police-administered tests. He has been invited to collaborate with lawyers, scientists, investigators, investigative reporters, and toxicologists across Canada and the United States, bringing a fresh perspective and understanding to the science involved in litigation. Mr. Semenoff was the principal technical advisor to The New York Times in their year-long investigation of breath testing deficiencies in North America and has been interviewed by numerous national media outlets, including newspapers, radio, and television.